# Fields

# Dashboard

The Form Fields dashboard allows you to manage all the fields you need for your form. In order for these fields to work in your forms, it needs to be mapped to a connector in Configurations.

E.g. we have a system form field with the Label City followed by the unique Name city. This is of Type textfield. Novti comes with standard system fields which cannot be removed or edited. These fields have a system tag in the Actions column.

# Create Form field

Create Field lets you specify the form field you would like to create. You can set a label and a unique name for the different input types such as:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Select
  • Select Boxes
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Text Area
  • Hidden
  • Payment
  • Time
  • Date
  • Date/Time
  • Address Autocomplete

If you do not want the Form Field to be added to the form, but want it to be mapped in the configuration, you can check the checkbox to exclude the Form Field from the form.

All created form fields (that are not system fields) can be edited by clicking on the Label link in the form field list or clicking on Edit via the three-dot Actions button.

# Edit Form field

In the Edit Form Fields section you can change Name, Label, Type and whether you want to exclude it from the form.

This section also includes the Revisions tab where you can view all the edits made over time and restore a revision if necessary.