# Users

# Overview

Users Dashboard empowers workspace administrators to manage users efficiently. With this dashboard, administrators can perform a variety of user-related tasks such as searching, viewing, inviting, editing, and deleting users within the workspace. The dashboard shows a list view, presenting all users associated with the workspace. Each user is assigned a specific role and status, indicating their permission level for accessing the workspace, as well as their current activity status.

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# Invite User

The Invite User button allows administrators to seamlessly add new users to the workspace. To invite a user, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Users Dashboard and open the "Invite User" section.
  2. Enter the email address of the user you wish to invite.
  3. Assign a role to the user. The role defines the level of permissions and access they will have within the Novti workspace.


Please note that an email invitation will be sent to the invited user, prompting them to join the workspace using the provided email address. Once they accept the invitation, they will be granted the specified role and can start collaborating within the workspace.

# Roles

Click to view permission per role
Permission Admin Integrator User Finance Analyst Creator
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# Edit User

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The "Edit User" feature allows administrators to modify the details and settings of existing users. To edit a user's information, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Users Dashboard and locate the user you want to edit in the list view.
  2. Click on the user's name to access the user details page.
  3. Update the user's name, role, or other relevant information as needed.
  4. Save the changes to apply the updates.

# Delete User

As a workspace administrator, you have the ability to remove users from the workspace using the "Delete User" functionality. Please exercise caution while performing this action, as it permanently removes the user and their associated data from the workspace. To delete a user, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Users Dashboard and locate the user you want to delete in the list view.
  2. Select the user's entry to access the user details page.
  3. Look for the "Delete User" option and confirm the action when prompted.
  4. Once confirmed, the user will be removed from the workspace, and their access will be revoked immediately.


For users in the list who have not yet accepted the workspace invitation, you can revoke the invitation to remove the user from the list.